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RGB LED Strip SMD5050, WS2811 (flexible, neon, flat, with controls, IP67, 12 V, 60 LEDs/m, 5 m)

Brand: Generic
Product Code: WS-222

About this item

5 m flexible RGB neon LED strip which consists of 300 SMD5050 WS2811 LEDs (with controls, IP67).

160 in stock.


Flexible RGB neon LED strip which consists of 300 SMD5050 WS2811 LEDs (with controls, IP67, flat).

LED lighting is 80%-90% more energy efficient than conventional incandescent and CFL lamps.

Flexible LED strips can be used both indoor and outdoor environments, in residential as well as in commercial areas. Thanks to their flexibility and ease of use they can be integrated in existing interior designs without any problems.


  • With controls
  • Flexible neon strip
  • Low power consumption
  • High efficiency
  • Smooth and even light spread
  • IP67 rated

Technical specifications

Operating voltage 12 V DC
Power consumption 14.4 W/m
Dimensions 9x17.5 mm
LED quantity 60 LEDs/1 m
LED type SMD5050 WS2811 (IP67)
Emitting colors RGB color variations
Lifespan up to 50,000 hours
Length 5 m

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